Friday, August 3, 2012

Can I pack in any more FUN???

I suppose at some point I should write about my work and how we are going to try to save the world. But, not yet. I had too much fun this weekend just playing.

The playing started on Friday night with a little bit of Blues dancing. That’s right, you can actually dance to blues music. And this is not ordinary dancing. This is some of the most fluid, sensual dancing I’ve ever witnessed or taken part in. You couldn’t possibly have the blues while dancing to this with any halfway decent partner. Or at least I hope so… since I always was the less-than-halfway-decent partner while my dance partners had been perfecting their skillz for years, even decades! Uh huh – decades. I swear, the plump elderly Indian men at this place were by far the most fun guys to dance with. We laughed our heads off, dancing the night away, feeling the soul of the music transform into movement.  Gotta love the blues.

So then after a night of dancing and a few hours of sleep, I stumbled out of bed and into a kayak with a couple new friends. I’d love to tell you about how we battled the elements, tearing through white water as the rain poured all around us, distorting the view of our destination that never seemed to get closer. I’d love to tell you how our kayak was flipped by the waves and I had to do some fancy maneuvers to flip it back. But really, it was just beautiful. We were on the water for about four hours, making our way just under the Golden Gate Bridge, riding a few waves under the bridge, and taking in the beautiful Sausalito scenery. And of course we rewarded ourselves with oversized ice cream cups afterwards.

With my body thoroughly exhausted, I then crawled back into bed for a few hours, just in time to emerge for a Saturday night party. A fancy party. Or ‘sophisticated’ perhaps. See, SF has a place for everyone, but there is a general trend of artsy sophistication here. Somehow people manage to pull of this look and feel of “I’m classy, but I’m funky; I’m an intellectual, but I’m artsy; I’m whimsical, but I’m got things figured out.” I like it and I don’t. I feel like I can just barely hold my own in this type of circle. And it’s certainly not because I’m sophisticated, but just because I’m just comfortable enough with myself to not care about being fancy enough. I wonder how all these other sophisticated people feel here.

Well, Sunday morning was just the fix for sophistication. It was pancake breakfast morning! Our apartment got gathered around our tiny little kitchen table, dressed up in PJ’s, and scarfed down pancake after pancake.  Then with only ten minutes to get ready, we skirted out of the house for an adventure on Treasure Island! Now, Treasure Island isn’t quite as cool as it sounds. It’s mainly a military compound, but a few times a month it has festivals on the weekend. This weekend was a flea market! Yay! Buying other people’s old junk! It’s incredible the stuff you can find! From old bottle caps to old dentist chairs – the possibilities are endless. As most of you who know me would guess, my attention for shopping didn’t last long and I quickly followed my tummy towards the food trucks and then a sunny patch of grass. Ah, how sweet it is to just lie in the sun and not worry about anything.

It was a good weekend. 

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