Monday, July 23, 2012


Do you like cheese? Of course you do. How could you not like cheese? Well, I love cheese. But I’ve never been a “cheese person” so to speak. I like something a little fancier now and then, but most of the time, I think I’m being fancy when I go one notch up from the Kroger brand of sharp cheddar.

But then I was introduced to “Cheese Plus”, a fancy little cheese shop in SF. My brain tries to keep up with the conversation about the “grassiness” of this cheese or that before my mouth pulls my mind into a place of flavorful peace. Oh the wonders of cheese – the explosion of flavor, the creaminess, the bite, the crystallization (is she for real?), and the perfect pairing with meat, fruit, and wine. Decadent? Most definitely. Do I like it? Uh huh. Shall I do it again? I can only hope.

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